The Eudora Utilities Association, Inc. is dedicated to providing safe dependable drinking water and the advancement of the community’s fire protection services to its members.
Water is a fundamental human need. Our department’s services are dedicated to:
- Working together with the MS State Department of Health to ensure safe quality drinking water
- Repair and maintain water mains and related structures, such as towers, pumps, fire hydrants, gate wells, water shut off valves, and generators
- Replacement of water meters
- Flushing hydrants twice a year
- Listen and respond to member inquiries of any water irregularities (cloudy or rusty water, low water pressure, water location, billing, and fee questions)
- Investigation of water service line leaks
A well-maintained water system is critical in protecting our community from the ever-present threat of fire. The ability to provide water for fire protection heavily influences our fire insurance ratings, new home construction and business location decisions. Our goal is to consult with engineers, design professionals, and fire department personnel to access our current water system capabilities and develop a long term financial and infrastructure plan towards the advancement of our community fire protection water supply.